Biologics and Biosimilars | SMCC Webinar

Biologics and Biosimilars  | SMCC Webinar | January 7, 2016 | Video available Biopharmaceuticals, or Biologics have successfully improved the care of several hard to treat conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and cancer. More of these complex biological drugs are coming. In the US over 900 biologics are being developed for more than 100 diseases. While they […]

How Ebola spread during the 2014-2015 epidemic

Using genome sequencing researchers have mapped how the Ebola virus spread in Western Africa during 2014 – 2015. They found Ebola entered the country several times during the early outbreak, however most of the infections were due to a single introduction of the virus, which spread rapidly. Researchers performed the sequencing in Liberia to trace the […]

Is ‘antimicrobial clothing’ for real?

Plenty of clothing products purport to kill bacteria that cause disease or damage fabric, but a new study suggests that what works in the lab doesn’t always work in practice. Researchers sealed fabric treated with one of three different antimicrobial agents against the skin of volunteers to see if they would reduce the amount of […]

How railways helped AIDS spread in Africa

The HIV pandemic with us today may have begun its global spread from Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) around 1920, according to a new study. A team of researchers have reconstructed the genetic history of the HIV virus by analyzing gene sequences found in a major HIV database. The authors […]

MERS-CoV: Marmosets get sick like humans

Researchers have found that marmosets could be used as an animal model to study the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus, also known as MERS-CoV. They observed that marmosets carry the same variant of a cell surface protein (DPP4) that MERS-CoV uses to invade human cells. This means that marmosets infected by MERS-CoV get as sick […]

Ancient tuberculosis may have come from seals

Tuberculosis was already present in the Americas before European contact, and new research indicates that some strains may have arrived via an unusual route; seals and sea lions. Researchers have now sequenced the genomes of three strains of tuberculosis from 1000-year-old mummies from Peru. The strains are genetically very different from the European strains that […]

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