Your self-control doesn’t get worse later in the day

As the day goes on, our self-control wears off – according to one of the theories of cognitive function. But new research challenges this view, proposing that self-control is not dependent on the time of day. To investigate this, researchers observed two groups of students over separate 17-week intervals with 24-hour coverage, as they engaged […]

Stop screening for developmental delay

The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommends against using a screening test to identify developmental delay in young children who show no apparent signs of delayed development. The recommendation applies to children aged one to four years old who have no visible signs, or whose parents have no concerns, of delay. Developmental delay […]

Losing money to lose weight

Paying employees to exercise doesn’t work, but taking money away might, according to a new study. Removing a small amount from a cash reward given upfront was more effective at promoting daily physical exercise than receiving a small reward for meeting physical activity goals. Participants in a 13-week physical activity program were given a goal […]

Ravens on their mind

Ravens possess the “Theory of Mind”, or the ability to predict the mental state of others, according to a new study. This is the first time the “Theory of Mind” has been confirmed in an animal other than humans or non-human primates. The researchers fed individual ravens in an enclosed study area, while playing raven […]

Genetically mapping the cause for schizophrenia’s synaptic loss

Mapping genetic variations has allowed researchers to identify a potential mechanism to explain the onset of schizophrenia. The authors hope this will provide insights into the risk of developing schizophrenia as well as the neurobiology of the disease. Variations in the genetic code controlling the production of C4, a protein known for the role it […]

The science of social media

A group of researchers is calling for further research into social media. The authors suggest that using social media as a proxy for real-world behaviours could help provide insights into an individual’s emotional state or personality traits, as well as being used to measure social conformity. Original research paper published in Trends in Cognitive Sciences on November […]

New guidelines to reduce pain during vaccinations

New Canadian guidelines aim to reduce pain during vaccinations in both children and adults. Pain during the vaccination process can make children and adults hesitant to receive future immunizations. The guidelines update previous guidelines, published in 2010, and have been expanded to cover adults as well as children. The recommendations are designed to be used […]

The origins of narcissism in children

A new study has shed light on the origins of narcissism in children and the role parents play in its development. A Dutch study of 565 children and their parents over two years found that children whose parents over-value them are more likely to suffer from narcissism. Until now the origins of narcissism were thought […]

Austery measures in Greece linked to increase in suicide rates

  The introduction of austerity measures in Greece in June 2011 was linked to an increase in suicides which continued into 2012, a new study shows. The increase was the equivalent of 11.2 additional suicides every month. No other prosperity or austerity events in Greece over the 30 year period were associated with such a strong […]

Bridging the gap between climate change believers and skeptics

Building public support for strategies to minimize human-induced climate change must go beyond educating the public about the science if skeptics are to be convinced. A new study of Americans claims that belief or denial of the human role in climate change is often part of ones self-identity and as such is similar to other […]

Behaviour: Does banking culture increase dishonesty?

The business culture in the banking industry may favour dishonest behaviour, a new study suggests. The authors asked 128 employees from a large international bank to play a game where they could keep the money they earned in a coin tossing game. The employees that were asked job-related questions before the experiment started cheated and […]

Religious reminders could quell hostility

A new study suggests that reminding someone of their religious beliefs could help quell hostile urges. Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu participants were exposed to either threatening experiences (such as thinking about their own death or failing at an academic assignment) or not. They were then given a chance to judge and assign punishments for […]

Exercise associated with fewer depressive symptoms

Regular exercise is associated with a reduction in the odds of depressive symptoms by up to 19 per cent, according to estimates in a new study. Researchers used data from the 1958 British Birth Cohort, which tracked about 11,000 people in the UK who were all born in the same week in 1958 through their lives. […]

Humans and pigeons gamble in similar ways

A new study shows that when it comes to gambling and taking risks, humans and pigeons have more in common than you might think. The study had pigeons and humans choose between different coloured options to receive a reward. Through experience they learned that some colours gave guaranteed rewards, while others gave risky (probabilistic) rewards, i.e. […]

The missing link between ADHD, substance abuse and behaviour problems

Researchers have found that ADHD, substance abuse and conduct disorder develop from the same neurocognitive deficits, which in turn explains why they often occur together. Using personality and behavior tests coupled with fMRI brain scans on 1,778 European adolescents at age 14, they identified three neurocognitive dimensions in different part of the brains that were […]

Terrifying airplane flight offers unique insight into PTSD

A terrifying near-accident on an airplane has offered new insight on how a person’s memory processes influence the risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD.) In 2001, Air Transat flight 236 nearly crashed into the Atlantic Ocean after running out of fuel; at the last minute the pilot was able to land safely on a small […]

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