Fungal spores spread by hitching a ride on other animals or travelling on their own. In one of the methods, the spore is picked up by a water droplet, which is then propelled upwards. Exactly how this is done has been a mystery to scientists – until now. A new paper describes how two different-sized water droplets […]
Tag: physics

Solving quantum physics problems with computer games
Computer gamers can teach quantum physicists a thing or two! At least according to the results of a study using an online game platform called Quantum Moves, which presents problems in quantum physics as games. So far the games have been played 500,000 times by about 10,000 different players. The research confirmed that using the […]

Why the brain has its folds
The folds on the surface of the human brain exist because of physics, not biology, according to a new study using 3D printing. The researchers believe their results suggest that physical forces play a crucial role in neurodevelopment, and may provide insights into diagnosing and treating some neurological disorders. The study proves a model from […]

Measuring antimatter: How antiprotons interact
For the first time researchers have measured the interaction between two antiprotons, a subatomic particle with the same mass as a proton, but with a negative electrical charge and the antimatter equivalent of the proton. The measurement shows the interaction between antiprotons is attractive, similar to how two magnets can be attracted to each other. […]

De-ice de-ice baby
Water droplets resting on water-repellent surfaces spring away spontaneously in a low-pressure environment, according to a new study . This finding could be used to help develop more advanced anti-icing systems for ships, offshore drilling rigs, and airplanes. The researchers found that as the water evaporated, a difference in pressure caused the drops to spontaneously […]

A new take on time’s arrow
Why does time flow forward? A new paper suggests that the traditional explanation is flawed and suggests a new one. Current theories invoke the law of entropy, which states that systems naturally move from more ordered states to more disordered ones. But the authors point out that the early universe – a tiny ball of […]
‘X-treme’ neutron stars
Researchers have discovered that a bright, pulsing neutron star is the source of ultra-bright X-rays coming from near the centre of the nearby galaxy Messier 82. Researchers have previously thought that only a black hole could emit so brightly in the X-ray region, but the team found that the source was pulsing, which black holes […]

Physicists explain bizarre quantum behaviour of light
Physicists have explained the results of a 2012 experiment in which photons appeared to be simultaneously acting as a wave and a particle, something that should not happen according to quantum physics. The authors of the new paper show that photons can behave differently depending on what part of the ring they came from. This […]

Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search comes to Sudbury
Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (Super CDMS) aims to measure the signals from exotic particles called WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) as they pass through a detector made of germanium. It is an international, multimillion dollar dark matter experiment currently based in Minnesota. Funding has recently been announced that will allow SuperCDMS to build a more sensitive […]

Understanding the ‘Chain Fountain’
BBC presenter and blogger Steve Mould’s mesmerizing video depicting a ‘chain fountain’ was viewed over a million times on YouTube since it was posted last February. Now, a team of physicists offers an explanation for the seemingly gravity-defying behaviour of the chain.

Quantum Computing | Webinar recording
Taking the questions out of quantum computing – July 24, 2013 When Blackberry co-founder Mike Lazaridis announced a new $100 million fund for quantum computing technologies in March, discussion re-ignited as to just what a quantum computer will look like. But computers aren’t the only application of quantum mechanics to information. Quantum technologies will change […]