Our brains are wired to figure out social rank

New fMRI data shows specific brain mechanisms are involved in finding out who’s boss. In the study, subjects were asked to determine social hierarchy at a fictional organization by observing and evaluating interactions between pairs of employees. The participants also determined social rank both for a company they’d supposedly work for, or that which employs […]

Faster metabolism accounts for the size of human brains

Humans evolved large brains thanks to an increased metabolic rate, suggests new research. Authors of a new study say that humans evolved a higher body fat percentage than other primates in order to provide the energy required to fuel this increased metabolism. The team took direct measurements of the daily energy expenditure from 141 people and […]

Mapping the meaning of words in the brain

Researchers have mapped out how meanings of words are represented in the human brain. Researchers collected MRI data from seven participants while they listened to over 2 hours of stories on a radio show called The Moth Radio Hour. They found that information about the meaning of language is distributed broadly across over 100 distinct […]

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