Canadian clinics market unproven stem cell treatments

Regenerative Medicine Published September 26, 2018 (News release from Future Science Group) A survey of the Canadian direct-to-consumer marketplace reveals 30 Canadian businesses advertise unproven stem cell therapies at 43 clinics in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan. The most commonly marketed therapies are for orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions, pain relief, and sports-related injuries, but one […]

SMCC Heads Up | September 25, 2018

Marketing stem cell therapies | Ancient sick care | Pulsar cools its jet | SMCC Heads Up Embargoed and recently published research with a Canadian focus, curated by SMCC for science journalists. Read more>

How parasitic plants lose the ability to photosynthesize

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Published September 19, 2018  (Brief from the Royal Society) The loss of photosynthesis genes in parasitic plants alternates between rapid loss of gene families and periods with little change. However, parasitic plants can integrate host genes into their own genomes. Lead author: Adam Schneider, University of Toronto Mississauga – […]

Bloated bodies and hairy legs attract dance-fly guys

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Published September 19, 2018 (Brief from the Royal Society) When researchers monitored physical models of female dance flies adorned with the species’ exclusively female sexual ornaments — swollen bodies and hairy legs — they found male flies like both large bodies and hairy legs, but prefer large bodies. Inflatable […]

SMCC Heads Up | September 18, 2018

Parasitic plants | Sexy flies | Chimp flu | SMCC Heads Up Embargoed and recently published research with a Canadian focus, curated by SMCC for science journalists. Read more>

Mini-video cameras offer peek at hard-to-observe bird behavior

The Auk: Ornithological Advances Published September 12, 2018 (News release from the American Ornithological Society) Video data of more than 200 grassland bird nests in Alberta, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin show that when and why baby birds decide to leave the nest is more complex than anyone guessed. The more siblings in a nest, the […]

High blood sugar during pregnancy increases risk of mother’s type 2 diabetes, child’s obesity

JAMA Published September 11, 2018 (News releases from JAMA and National Institutes of Health) Mothers with elevated blood glucose during pregnancy – even if not high enough to meet the traditional definition of gestational diabetes – are significantly more likely to have developed type 2 diabetes a decade after pregnancy than their counterparts without high blood glucose. For […]

SMCC Heads Up | September 11, 2018

Fledgling decisions | Delayed blood-sugar effects | SMCC Heads Up Embargoed and recently published research with a Canadian focus, curated by SMCC for science journalists. Read more>  

Melting glaciers may increase risk of landslide-triggered tsunamis

Nature Scientific Reports Published September 6, 2018 (News release from Nature Research Press) The October 17, 2015, landslide at the toe of Tyndall Glacier, which sent 180 million tonnes of rock into Taan Fiord, Alaska, affected two square kilometres of land onshore, but the resulting tsunami affected more than 20 square kilometres, with the wave runup reaching 193 metres. The […]

Climate change mitigation in Canada’s forest sector

Carbon Balance and Management Published September 5, 2017 Researchers evaluated nine mitigation scenarios in two forests management units in Canada — in Cranbrook, British Columbia, and in Dog River–Matawin Forest, Ontario. They found that very large differences existed between mitigation scenarios and that combining forest management activities with wood-use that generated longer-lived products had the highest potential to mitigate greenhouse […]

Dementia symptoms peak in winter and spring

PLOS Published September 4, 2018 (News release from PLOS) Researchers analyzed data on 3,353 people enrolled in cohort studies in the U.S., Canada, and France. Participants had undergone testing and, for some, levels of proteins and genes associated with Alzheimer’s disease were available. Adults both with and without Alzheimer’s disease have better cognition skills in late summer and […]

New guidelines for treatment of mild concussion in kids

JAMA Pediatrics Published September 4, 2018 (News release from JAMA Pediatrics) New concussion guidelines include 19 sets of recommendations on the diagnosis, prognosis, and management/treatment of pediatric mild concussion assigned a level of treatment based on confidence in evidence. Recommendations address imaging, symptom scales, cognitive testing, and standardized assessment for diagnosis; history and risk factor assessment, monitoring, and counseling […]

Uncommon mutations affect prognosis in estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer

Nature Communications Published September 4, 2018 (News release at Nature Research Press) Uncommon mutations in three genes in estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer negatively affect disease prognosis. Researchers studied archival breast cancer DNA from three cohorts of post-menopausal and pre-menopausal patients with hormone receptor–positive breast cancer and found associations with poor clinical outcomes in estrogen receptor–positive breast cancer […]

SMCC Heads Up | September 4, 2018

Glacier tsunamis | Forest carbon | Concussion guidelines | SMCC Heads Up Embargoed and recently published research with a Canadian focus, curated by SMCC for science journalists. Read more>

Crops make vulnerable insect-eating birds work harder for food

The Condor: Ornithological Applications Embargoed until August 29, 2018 13:00 EDT (News release from the American Ornithological Society) Tree swallows that live in cropland can still find their preferred prey, but they’re working harder to get it. Researchers examined how agriculture affects swallows’ diets, and found that birds living in croplands weighed less on average […]

A better way to count boreal birds

The Condor: Ornithological Applications Embargoed until August 29, 2018 13:00 EDT (News release from the American Ornithological Society) Researchers tested a mathematical model called a “removal model” using bird count data for 152 species from the Boreal Avian Modelling Project, which covers a vast area of Canada, Alaska, and the northeastern U.S. They found that […]

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