
Overlap in the ranges of sharks and fishing vessels is placing oceanic shark species at risk from overfishing say researchers. By monitoring the ranges of eight species of oceanic sharks by satellite, and tracking two fleets of longline fishing vessels over several years, researchers found about 80 per cent of the range of oceanic sharks was overlapped by longline fishing vessels.

The effects of fishing or overfishing oceanic fish populations has unknown effects on these shark species, which have seen population declines in recent years. One of the areas of overlap is the North Atlantic Current/Labrador Current convergence zone near Newfoundland.

The authors believe introducing catch quotas may be necessary to protect the shark species.

Original research paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science on January 25, 2015.

Names and affiliations of selected authors

David W. Sims, The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, Great Britain