Solar panels lining the roof of a store in Caguas, Puerto Rico. (Credit: Walmart Corporate,

Solar panels lining the roof of a store in Caguas, Puerto Rico. (Credit: Walmart Corporate,

A team of civil engineers has conducted a detailed analysis of 22 cities from around the world, which could help policymakers choose the right tools to combat climate change on a municipal level. Depending on their climate, industrial base and population densities, cities can use a variety of tools and techniques to lower their carbon emissions. For example cities in cold-climates, like Toronto, can retrofit buildings to reduce heating costs, while cities with access to low-carbon sources of electricity (e.g. hydropower) can replace fossil fuels with the low-carbon alternative.

Original research paper published in the journal Nature Climate Change on March 16, 2014.

Names and affiliations of selected authors

Chris Kennedy, Civil Engineering, University of Toronto

Daniel Hoornweg, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology