Material for flexible electronics created by mimicking plant properties

For the first time ever, scientists have a lead on creating an aerogel that is lightweight, resilient, and flexible enough to bend. The graphene-based aerogel mimics the structure of Thalia dealbata, or the powdery alligator-flag: a strong, lean plant that can withstand harsh winds. This kind of aerogel can be used in creating bendable screens for tablets or smartphones, […]

Applying a “second skin” for a more youthful appearance

A new material could serve as a less obvious wound-dressing, protect skin, help deliver medication and sunscreen. But it could also fulfill more cosmetic roles, like helping reduce wrinkles and under-eye bags. Researchers say this newly developed wearable silicon-based polymer material is breathable, elastic, invisible, moisturizing, and is both durable and removable. According to the […]

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