New technology could make our smartphones even smarter

  Engineers have created a laser-written light-guiding systems that could embed the display glass of smartphones with layer upon layer of sensors. One example-system that the authors created is a temperature sensor that consists of one straight and one curved waveguide. When the glass heats up, it expands and changes the path length of the waveguides. […]

Light-scattering crystals found in Canadian fossil weevils

Scientists have found unique light-scattering crystals in a 700,000-year-old fossilized bug from Gold Run, Yukon. Modern weevils also produce such crystals, but until now not much was known about their evolution. The crystals exploit quantum phenomena to shine bright red and green when examined closely, but from afar the colours blend to produce a muddy brown […]

Physicists explain bizarre quantum behaviour of light

Physicists have explained the results of a 2012 experiment in which photons appeared to be simultaneously acting as a wave and a particle, something that should not happen according to quantum physics. The authors of the new paper show that photons can behave differently depending on what part of the ring they came from. This […]

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