Preventing food allergies in infants

A review by Canadian physicians suggests parents can help prevent food allergies in their children by introducing allergenic foods early. The authors show that with a few exceptions, introducing these foods between four and six months of age can safely help prevent the development of food allergies. The authors recommend exposing infants at low risk […]

Traffic-related air pollution during pregnancy is a likely cause of asthma

Children exposed to high levels of traffic-related air pollution before they are born are more likely to suffer from asthma as children according to a study of Toronto neighbourhoods. The study also found that children in close proximity to high-traffic areas are more likely to suffer from asthma. Researchers analyzed the health and residential records […]

Human or cow? Breast milk from the Internet is not always what it appears to be

Human breast milk bought on the Internet is not always pure human breast milk according to a new American study. Parents purchase human breast milk from the Internet to help supplement their supply, and in some cases the parents are purchasing milk for infants with sensitivities to cows milk or formula. Researchers tested 102 samples […]

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