Researchers pinpoint the heart’s pump-up protein

Scientists have discovered a protein that promotes healthy heart growth by helping this key muscle pump blood efficiently throughout the body. The protein, cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1), stimulates both the growth of heart muscles and the growth of blood vessels in the heart. The effect of CT-1 is similar to what is naturally achieved through exercise or […]

Biological pacemakers out of stem cells

The sinoatrial node (SAN) is the heart’s primary pacemaker. The failure of its functions causes multiple cardiac problems, such as a lower heart rate and decreased blood circulation. These issues are typically addressed with a mechanical pacemaker. But a new study describes how a biological pacemaker can be developed out of pluripotent stem cells. Such […]

Preparing stem cells with electricity is good for the heart

For the first time researchers have shown that stimulating cardiac muscle cells, derived from stem cells, with electrical impulses improves their development and function. Providing these cells with the improved function could potentially help treat cardiovascular disease, one of the world’s major illnesses, as it may provide a way to regenerate heart muscle. When stimulated […]

A new test to confirm heart attacks within one hour

A study has shown a new test can almost always determine if a patient suffered a heart attack within the first hour of it occurring. The study examined 1320 patients presenting to emergency departments and accurately diagnosed 75 per cent of the patients. The remaining 318 patients were placed in the “observational zone”, and 59 […]

Taking the pulse of stress

Researchers have discovered that, contrary to what you might think, a less variable heartbeat might be associated with a higher susceptibility to stress. The team recorded heart rate variability in 76 student participants while they were relaxing and while they were thinking about things they tend to worry about most. They also tracked participants’ moods […]

Lab-grown cells could help combat heart diseases

For the first time, researchers have grown a type of heart cell called an epicardial cell from stem cells in the lab, an accomplishment that could help in developing new treatments for heart disease. Epciardial cells form a protective membrane around the adult heart, and during fetal life provide a source of specialized structural cells […]

Seniors still at risk of stroke 2 years after heart surgery

Older people who have undergone surgery are at increased risk of suffering a stroke for up to 2 years afterward, a new study shows. While it was known that the risk increases immediately after surgery, the new study shows that the risk period extends longer than expected. Researchers followed 108,711 patients who had cardiac surgery […]

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