Simulated copulation techniques reveal cetacean sex secrets

A new study helps examine how mechanical interactions during copulation influence the shape of genitalia and fertility in cetaceans. Researchers used samples of cetacean genitalia acquired after the animals’ natural cause death. The scientists inflated excised penises using a saline solution to simulate an erection, and studied its interaction with silicone endocasts of vaginas in […]

Shift work and physically demanding labour linked to lower fertility in women

Working outside the regular office hours, working irregular shifts and doing heavy lifting at work could lower a woman’s ability to conceive. These are the findings of the first study to ever examine the impact of workplace conditions on a woman’s biological capacity to have a baby. Researchers monitored a number of indicators in 473 […]

Towards stem cell therapy for infertile men

Researchers have created sperm cells from infertile men who could not produce healthy sperm them on their own. They did this by converting skin cells into stem cells, which then became fertile human sperm cells when transplanted into the testicles of mice. This opens up the possibility of clinical cell-based therapy that could make infertile […]

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