Strong link between depression and risk of early death for both men and women

Association between depression and early death remains strong among men and has ramped up among women over the past two decades, results of a long-term community-based study suggest. Researchers examined 60 years of mental health data of over 3000 adults from a region in Atlantic Canada and linked the data to deaths in the Canadian […]

Can just a phone call a week help minimize postpartum depression?

A study of mothers in New Brunswick found that phone conversations with helpful peers can diminish postpartum depression (PPD). Researchers in New Brunswick provided peer support through weekly phone calls to 64 mothers suffering from moderate PPD for several months. At the beginning of the experiment all 64 of the mothers were moderately depressed, yet by […]

Antidepressants during pregnancy may be linked to ADHD in kids

A new study finds that exposure to antidepressants in the womb may be linked to an increased risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the researchers caution that the risks of depressed mothers-to-be stopping their medication may be greater for the unborn child than the increased risk of developing ADHD associated with continuing […]

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