Climate shaped the evolution of the human nose

It looks like temperature and humidity of a region may have stuck their noses in the evolution of the human smelling organ. Researchers examined the size and shape of noses on people of West African, South Asian, East Asian, and Northern European descent. They say the discovered differences are too great to have occurred on chance […]

Exploring the 1430s, the coldest decade of the millennium

Many of the 1430s winters and some springs were extremely cold in several parts of Europe. Researchers analyzed climate archives to reconstruct the climate at the time and figure out its impact on societies. The climate models showed that the harsh conditions were due to natural variations in the climate system, a combination of natural factors […]

Using the climate to predict the movement of birds

Future irregular large-scale movements, technically known as irruptions, of boreal seed-eating birds in North America may be predictable using previous climate conditions according to a 24 year study of the Pine Siskin finches travel patterns. Researchers have found that the birds’ irruptions typically occur in either a north-south or west-east pattern which can be linked […]

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