Kissing transfers 80 million bacteria

A new study shows that a kiss lasting only ten seconds can transfer an average of 80 million bacteria between partners. That may sound like a lot, but the study goes on to show that a single kiss doesn’t noticeably change the similarity of the bacterial community in the mouths of two partners. However, repeated kisses […]

A litmus test for bacteria

Researchers have developed a way to use litmus paper – which changes colour to indicate high or low pH – to provide a simple and effective test for bacteria like E. coli. The team used tiny strands of DNA to create probes that are activated in the presence of bacteria. The activated probes then catalyse […]

How gut bacteria train our immune system

A new study helps shed light on which beneficial bacteria are needed to help train our immune system. Newborn mice were treated with vancomycin or streptomycin, two antibiotics that each kill certain species of gut bacteria but leave others relatively unaffected. Those treated with streptomycin were much more likely to develop a lung condition that […]

Fungal extract could combat drug-resistant bacteria

A chemical extracted from a fungus could help maintain the effectiveness of key antibiotics. In a new study, a fungal extract called aspergillomarasmine A was shown to inhibit NDM-1 and restore the effectiveness of carbapenems against certain bacteria in lab studies. Carbapenems are considered to be ‘antibiotics of last resort’ for many infections due to […]

Biofilm-busting protein could lead to new antimicrobials

Researchers have discovered that a synthetic protein is capable of breaking up the slimy films that harmful bacteria use to stick themselves to human tissues. The protein molecule is called “1018” and is modelled after proteins produced by the human immune system. A new study shows the molecule prevented biofilm growth in E. Coli, Salmonella and […]

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