Tropical “Black Witch” found in Churchill, Manitoba

In Mexican folklore, the moth known as the Black Witch (Ascalapha odorata) is a bad omen, a harbinger of death. The species is normally found in tropical regions, but does occasionally come to southern Canada during the summer. A new paper documents a sighting of this species in Churchill, Manitoba, the furthest north it has ever […]

Migrating Golden Eagles Avoid Turbines at a Rocky Mountain Wind Installation

Researchers in British Columbia have found that eagles detect and avoid wind turbines during migration by increasing their flight altitudes. The researchers visually tracked golden eagle migration over a commercial wind farm before and after construction. They monitored the  commercial wind installation in the Hart Range near Chetwynd British Columbia – the Dokie 1 Wind Energy […]

Goats, smarter than your average ungulate

Like primates, goats forage widely and live in complex social groups, characteristics that are often associated with intelligence. A new study puts this to the test by training goats in a complex task that involves manipulating levers to release food. The goats were able to solve the task in less than two minutes, even 10 […]

Why do prairie dogs do ‘the wave’?

When one prairie dog in a colony does a “jump-yip” display, the rest respond contagiously, like sports fans doing ‘the wave.’ However the purpose of this behaviour has been debated. New research shows that prairie dogs that start the wave adjust their behaviour based on how many responses they get and how delayed those responses […]

Two-spot ladybug

Mating has costs for male ladybugs

The toll of raising young on females is well-documented, but a new study looks at the less well-understood costs mating poses to males. Males of the two-spot ladybird beetle (Adalia bipunctata) who had mated had 53% shorter life spans than those who hadn’t. As well, males who produced a spermatophore – a capsule containing sperm […]

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