As the climate changes and the planet’s temperatures increase, rising sea levels are now becoming one of the greatest threats to the world’s populations. The latest research shows that the sea level rise will double the frequency of severe coastal flooding in most of the world, with dire consequences for major coastline cities—including those in Canada.
The social and political fallout of displaced populations could prove to be one the greatest challenges for future generations.
SMCC, in partnership with the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the Canadian Climate Forum, and the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network, hosted a dynamic expert panel webinar on sea level rise. This one-hour webinar discussed the science behind the modeling projections, explored common misconceptions about the way sea levels work, and raised tough questions that will demand solutions in the coming decades.
Watch the webinar
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Our panel of leading climate and sea level experts from Canada and the US discussed the latest research on the subject, expected impacts, and other implications predicted on national and global scales.
These distinguished panelists include:
- Dr. Adam Fenech – Director of the Climate Lab at the University of Prince Edward Island
- Dr. Natacha Bernier – Research Scientist in the Atmospheric Science and Technology Branch, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Dr. Robert Kopp – Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University; and Associate Director – Rutgers Energy Institute
- Dr. Martin Sharp – Professor. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta
Missed the webinar? Watch it now
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Links, resources and background reading for the webinar.
This webinar is co-delivered by CMOS, CCF and MEOPAR.

NOTE: This webinar is presented by and paid for by the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the Canadian Climate Forum, and the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network who also chose the participants. The SMCC is pleased to partner with them in bringing you this event.