Mount St. Helens in Washington (Image by Steven Hansen)

Mount St. Helens in Washington (Image by Steven Hansen)

The molten liquid core warming the famous volcano in Washington may be located near a neighboring mountain, a new study has found. Using seismic imaging, researchers analyzed the mantle below Mount St. Helens and found it to be completely cold, which indicates that magma is located elsewhere. These findings can be used to help determine sources of melt in active volcanoes around the world.


S. M. Hansen, B. Schmandt, A. Levander, E. Kiser, J. E. Vidale, G. A. Abers & K. C. Creager

Corresponding author:

Steven Hansen, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Original paper published in Nature Communications on November 1, 2016.