Want to make the right moral judgment? Ask your right brain

A new split-brain study reveals a clearer picture about the areas of the brain that play a role in complex reasoning, such as moral judgment. Historically, studying split-brain patients—those whose corpus callosum has been severed, effectively reducing communication between right and left hemispheres of the brain—has allowed researchers to gain greater insight into specific areas […]

Behaviour: Does banking culture increase dishonesty?

The business culture in the banking industry may favour dishonest behaviour, a new study suggests. The authors asked 128 employees from a large international bank to play a game where they could keep the money they earned in a coin tossing game. The employees that were asked job-related questions before the experiment started cheated and […]

Do morality tales actually work?

When it comes to getting kids to tell the truth, “Pinocchio” has got nothing on “George Washington and the Cherry Tree,” a new experiment suggests. Researchers tested 268 children aged 3 to 7 to see if they would admit to an innocuous lie. Those who were read stories like “Pinocchio” – in which liars are punished […]

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