How delivery method and early diet influences infant gut microbiomes

In recent research, scientists have been exploring the important role intestinal microbiomes play in the diets and food intolerances of entire populations. Much of this bacterial make-up in the intestines is formed within the first year of life. What happens within that first year is explored in the present study, where researchers observed changes to gut bacteria […]

Child deaths significantly reduced in India since 2005

One million child deaths have been avoided in India from 2005-2015, but that number could have been three times greater if proper national child health programs were in place, according to a new study. The reduction is driven by significant drops in mortality from pneumonia, diarrhea, tetanus and measles. The study found a 3.3% annual […]

Babies learn to detect fearful faces as early as 3.5 months of age

An infant can tell a fearful expression from a happy one as early as three months after being born, results of a new study suggest. Fear detection is an important evolutionary mechanism and is thus developed at a young age, but present research is the first to show a precursor to this important ability. To […]

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