A recent analysis of over 50,000 cystic fibrosis cases in U.S. and Canada revealed than the median survival age is greater in Canada by approximately ten years. Additionally, the risk of death was lower by 34% in Canada, after taking age and severity of disease into account. Researchers say the scope of their study didn’t cover factors that may be contributing to the difference in survival age, but they suspect the difference may lie in nutrition, transplant availability and access to medical insurance.


Anne L. Stephenson, Jenna Sykes, Sanja Stanojevic, Bradley S. Quon, Bruce C. Marshall, Kristofer Petren, Josh Ostrenga, Aliza K. Fink, Alexander Elbert; Christopher H. Goss

Corresponding author:

Dr. Anne Stephenson, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. Email: StephensonA@smh.ca

Original paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine on March 14, 2017.